As with any marketing, there’s initial investment that any business needs to make to get a piece of the digital world traffic. But the importance of digital marketing to small businesses becomes very clear when you see how easy it is to scale and adapt as your business grows.
For example, with social media campaigns, display ads and search ads you can choose a daily budget. You know exactly how much that campaign will cost you. The importance is that you are in controle of you cost at all times and not only that you can use your budget and optimise your campaigns based on the performance you require. These social media platform gives you all the flexibility if you know how to use it and optimise the results.

Facebook budget
Now you begin to see amazing results. You don’t have to go in and renegotiate an ad spot to keep the ad running. Your ad continues uninterrupted. As you continue to convert that traffic, you just increase your daily spend and revenues with it. You can go as far a running different ads at the same time making use of the same budget and optimise the campaign based on performance. This is called split ad testing. This helps you to understand based on ad copy , the deal it self or content of the ad if it attracts the target audience. You can also run different audience’s to the ad or optimise exclusions or inclusions to suite the right target segment or audience.
If you got a massive order in from a customer and need to scale back to avoid getting backlogged, it’s just as easy to do that. Reduce the ad spend or pause your ad and it will reduce in delivery or simply pause until you activate it again or increase the ad spend budget.
If something isn’t working in your marketing, you don’t have to wait for the ad contract to run out. You don’t have to start from scratch. Reuse the ad, make adjustments on the fly or run with split ads and continue testing your target audience or segment.
You’ve got the power. Just make that small change and re-launch the ad.
The importance of digital marketing lies in the fact that you can get instant results. Analyze data and make changes fast to reduce wasted ad spend and lost revenues.

In Summary, things to consider;
- You set the budget
- You will know the targeted audience and result up front
- Be in controle of the ad spend
- Use split ads to monitor performance and results
- Make change to improve ad delivery on the fly
- Have Data and performance results at your finger tips “live”
- Never waste ad spend again
It is important to use a professional to take care if this strategy and to be certain of your objective and results. Use a digital marketer that will ensure your ad perform as best as you would hope, obtain the right experienced advise on add content and copy writing, imaging and offers that is of high results.
Get to know more about Digital marketing and follow our future posts as we are sure this will help you understand the Digital space and what it can mean to you for your business brand and marketing strategy.
Get in contact with us, or book a no obligation 30 min all to discuss what we can do and how we can grow your digital marketing footprint and strategy.
Goldkey Digital Team
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